Crave Organics consists of approximately 170 acres of prime orchard land that has been developed to grow a mixture of apple varieties, including Honeycrisp, Granny Smith, Gala, and Fuji. The orchard also has about ten acres planted in cherries. The property is located approximately three miles from Royal Bluff Orchard.
Aerial view of Crave Organics
Crave Organics has been a fully certified organic orchard since its inception in 1993, and thus its fruit commands a higher price in the market. The superior returns for this property have been achieved in large part because Dain Craver, who serves as Chief Horticultural Office for The New Royal Bluff Orchards, is one of the top organic orchard specialists in the State of Washington. He has worked with Royal Bluff team since 1989.
The operation includes a full complement of equipment, a shop building, and an orchard manager’s house. Crave Organics does not have housing for migrant labor, as those needs are accommodated with the housing already available at Royal Bluff Orchard.